Your Associate
Chiropractor, Grant Jan Bierling BSc DC
Grant Jan Bierling BSc DC
Registered Chiropractor graduated from the Anglo-European College of
Chiropractic (Bournemouth) in 1996. Grant specialises in Sacro Occipital
Technique (SOT) a comprehensive technique which uses body indicators to help
determine skeletal, cranial & neurological malfunctions. Grant combines SOT
with neurological & orthopaedic tests to aid his diagnosis & treatment
of pain.
Following 4 years working in a Sports Chiropractic Clinic
in Winchester, Grant has incorporated his other specialist interest in
analysing the biomechanics of the feet & jaw. Great care is given to
readdress any imbalances between these areas as normal function is essential to
optimise muscle & skeletal function.
Poor foot biomechanics can be the cause of ankle, knee,
hip, or back related pain. A drop in the arch (pes planus) causes a rotational
stress on the knees, which is transferred into the hips & pelvis. This is
equally true of cranial & jaw problems often caused by trauma - difficult
births (forceps), physical injuries (a blow to the jaw, whiplash),
orthodontics, loss of teeth. The jaw, & bite in particular, should be
symmetrical in movement. Any distortion will affect the cranium, muscle balance
& normal spine mechanics, including pelvic stability - all affecting how
you carry yourself posturally.
It is therefore essential when assessing your neck, back
or pelvic related complaint to analyse the posture of your feet alongside
cranial motion to determine any effect this has on the rest of your structure.
Observing the way you stand can reveal a great deal. Is your structure holding
you correctly or incorrectly?
Muscle testing gives us invaluable information as to
whether a joint is functioning properly, & more importantly if the problem
has been corrected.
Our aim is to help you understand cause & effect,
with a way forward to prevent recurrence. With this knowledge comes a more
functional life, greater strength and a greater ability to undertake those
activities that you may have thought impossible to achieve.